Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sew it Together

Foolish creature that I am, I have almost missed the boat on posting about my amazing time at Sew It Together on the weekend! The lovely Sheridan was an organiser extraordinaire and suffice to say, a fantastic time was had by all.

I took narry a photo, so have photographed the sum total of craft work I got done -

50 or so French Knots were all I managed to achieve! Andi made a whole quilt, for pity's sake and this was all I could eke out!!! I think my Form 4 Geography teacher may have got it right when he said in my end of year report...

"This is a surprising result due to the amount of talking that Tanya does. She must learn to control her tongue."

These lovely things were in our goodie bag...such gorgeousness!

Thanks so much  to everyone involved - It was fantastic to meet you all and I had a most excellent time both at the crafting session and the dinner. Definitely be in for next year!

1 comment:

  1. hmm, being a Tanya too- I think I had that exact same comment on my report- I also got "Tanya would get alot more work done if she stayed at her own desk"- equally appropriate for Saturday!


Lovely to know someone out there is actually reading this!
Go on!! You know you want to...!